Category: News

Grandparents/Special Friends Day

Grandparents and Special Friends are invited to a special FOSS sponsored day at Slavens K-8 School on Nov. 18th.  Please join us for an assembly and classroom visits.  See a schedule for the day and RSVP below.  8:15-8:25 Arrival of guests Continue Reading

Halloween Fun

Watch our Halloween fun!

October Super Citizens

Congratulations to our first Super Citizens for the 2022-23 school year Kindergarten Albert Giordano, Wyatt Brinker, Noah Wannell 1st Grade Eden Gartin, Maggie Baline, Citlali Somoza 2nd Grade Luca Olbricht-Simon, Cooper Maxon, Hudson Loughran 3rd Grade Lily Baline, Henry Colley,Continue Reading

Check Out Our New Website!

We’re pleased to have a new website to more easily share news and information about our school and students. As with all things new, we know there may be an adjustment period and we appreciate your feedback. Please let usContinue Reading

Reachwell Newsletter

Learn more information from the latest edition of Slavens’ newsletter Reachwell which includes school updates, upcoming events, and more!

Back to School

Watch our back to school video!

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