Safety of our students is our number one priority! Please set a good example and respect the rules of the school!
Please do not use the staff parking lot to pick up or drop off students.
Middle school students have supervision from 7:55 to 8:10 a.m. Elementary Students have supervision from 8:10am to 8:20 a.m. No student should be on school grounds before these times as there is no adult supervision.
A.M. There is one designated drop-off zone in the morning. located on South Clayton Street. Do NOT park in the drop off zone. Teachers, staff and parent volunteers work each morning to help this zone run smoothly. Please look for an email to sign-up for a slot to volunteer.
Parents are welcome to park and accompany their students to the door. It is necessary for EVERYONE to utilize crosswalks traveling to and from school grounds.
Please be sure anyone dropping your children off is fully aware of these procedures.
P.M. In the afternoon there are over 750 students being dismissed at the same time. Please arrive with enough time to legally park and meet your child. It is necessary for EVERYONE to utilize crosswalks traveling to and from school grounds.
Parents are responsible for determining if their students are capable and responsible enough to ride their bike to school. Bikes must be kept in the bike racks during school hours. Parents should purchase a bike lock and ensure their student knows how to use the lock to secure their bike. Students are strongly encouraged to wear a helmet. Students are required to walk their bike, scooters and skateboards on school grounds.
Procedures for transporting students on buses are regulated by state law and DPS district policy. Behavior expectations for bus riders include:
Learn more information about district policy.
While emergency closings occur infrequently, we are prepared in the event the building’s systems malfunction, or when weather makes it necessary to send children home.
During severe weather, please keep your radio or TV on for announcements regarding emergency school closings or delayed openings (KOA-AM 850 and KHOW-AM 630 begin broadcasts as soon as they receive information). Please listen for these announcements, as our phone lines tend to be jammed during bad weather. Additionally DPS attemps to update their Facebook page (search “Denver Public Schools”).
If school is closed notification will be made over radio and T.V. DPS will attempt to send out notifications via contact information on file. Slavens will also attempt to send out notifications via the ReachWell app.
“Inside Morning” applies to morning drop-off. When weather prohibits students from lining up outside posters will be hung on school entrances indicating an “Inside Morning”. Students should proceed to the cafeteria/stairwells until the bell rings when they will be dismissed to their classrooms. Students should not stop to hang backpacks and/or coats prior to dismissal from the cafeteria.
Students are expected to be prepared for outside recess every day. This decision is made based on temperature (under 20 degrees) and moisture. Students will often have recess when it is snowing though typically not when raining.
The safety of students at Slavens School is a primary concern to all personnel at the school. Rules and procedures to maintain safety have been established in the following areas:
Fire Drills: A fire alarm and fire drill system has been established and is periodically practiced as required by law. It is essential that when the first signal is given, everyone, including visitors, obeys directions promptly and clears the building by the predetermined routes.
Shelter in Place (Tornado Drills): In the event of a severe weather warning, students and staff will proceed to the most protected area of the school building. Drills are held to familiarize students with appropriate procedures.
Lightning Procedures: Outdoor activities will be curtailed whenever the possibility of lightning storms exists. When lightning is sighted, all students and staff are required to go inside the building, regardless of how distant the lightning may seem.
Dismissal During Severe Weather: Should there be severe thunderstorms at dismissal time, we will board bus students as soon as it is safe, and will retain walkers until the danger is past. Parents are welcome, in severe weather, to come and pick up their children. In the event that we are under a “weather warning,” we may ask parents to wait with their children until the danger has passe
Lockdown – We will lockdown if danger inside our building or neighborhood threatens students.
Lockout – We will lockout if danger is outside our building or neighborhood that threatens students.
According to psychologists, addressing the reasons for lockdowns directly but in a developmentally-appropriate way can actually make students feel safer. We compiled some general recommendations from psychologists to help guide conversations with your child.
There is a plan
Assure your child there is a plan for different types of emergencies and go over the plan with them.
An emergency is unlikely
Emphasize the unlikelihood of a bad event, as your child may not understand its low probability.
Focus on the how
While it is important to explain the “why” of a drill, it is best to focus more heavily on the “how.” Stress the steps in the drills even more than the reasons for them. Focusing the conversation on the procedural elements can help prevent worries about why a bad thing might happen.
Additional resources for how to talk to your kids about school safety drills
The National Association of School Psychologists’ offers these tips on how to talk to your child about violence prevention in schools.