Health Care

Students outside for science class

Accidents and Injury

Accidents: Most injuries occurring at school require minimal first aid, which will be administered by the office staff. If a child has a serious accident while at school, paramedics will be summoned. We will attempt to reach the parents at home or at work. Failing that, we will call an emergency number (a designated friend or relative) and/or the doctor listed on your emergency card. Keeping your phone number and your emergency number current is extremely important.


Our facilities for administering care to an ill child are limited. A child with a fever of 100 degrees or above will be sent home. We will make every effort to contact the parent or emergency number so that the youngster may be sent home to recuperate in a comfortable place.


As a general rule, a student ill enough to require several doses of medication during the school day should probably stay home. Most medication schedules can be prescribed by your doctor for administration during non-school hours. If your child requires medication during school hours, medicines will be dispensed from the office only and must be in clearly labeled pharmacy bottles, including over the counter medications, with current date and accompanied by a written Student Medication Request – Release Agreement. This form must be fully completed and signed by the parent/guardian and the physician. Copies of this form are available in the office. All over-the-counter type medicines such as aspirin also require a pharmacy labeled bottled and a signed Student Medication Request – Release agreement. All medications, whether prescription or over-the-counter, must be turned into the office. No student will be permitted to carry medications on school grounds or self-dose. This includes Tylenol, cough drops, ibuprofen, throat lozenges, etc.

A student Medication Request-Release Agreement can be found at Medication Release 2015-2016


Completed Forms can be returned to the Slavens Front Office.